We join with many others in expressing our grief and anger at the recent murders of eight people, including six Asian/Asian American women, in Atlanta. We express our support and concern for our Asian/Asian American colleagues, and encourage everyone to take a stand against the increasing incidents of violence against Asians and Asian Americans that has occurred in recent years in the US. On behalf of the SACP, we have joined with other organizations in supporting a fuller statement of concerns issued by A Community-Centered Response to Violence Against Asian American Communities — Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta (https://www.advancingjustice-atlanta.org/aaajcommunitystatement). In addition, there are many resources for learning about how issues of gender and race intersect; here is one starting point: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/18/us/racism-sexism-atlanta-spa-shooting.html


The SACP Board