Call For Paper and Panel Proposals

2020 Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical AssociationJanuary 8-11, 2020. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Submission deadline: June 10th, 2019

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy welcomes proposals for our panels at the American Philosophical Association’s Eastern Division meeting. Proposals regarding any aspect of Asian or comparative philosophy are welcome.

Individual paper abstracts should be 200-300 words in length and complete panel abstracts should include a 150-word introduction to the theme of the panel, complete with panel title, along with 200-300 word abstracts for each of the papers.  Please include each presenter’s name(s), email(s), and institution(s).

Information about the SACP can be found on our website at

Guidelines for paper/abstract submission:

1. We encourage submission of either individual papers or full panel proposals (3-4 speakers), on any topic in Asian and/or Comparative Philosophy. All paper and panel proposals will be considered.

2. Feel free to submit a longer abstract (300-500 words) or to include a completed paper with your abstract. The presentation time for each paper will be between 20 and 30 minutes (that’s about 10-15 pages of double-spaced, Times New Roman text, FYI). We cannot guarantee A/V equipment in the presentation room.

3. Please let us know if you are simultaneously submitting a separate proposal to other Asian philosophy groups for the same APA meeting.

4. Membership of the SACP is not required for consideration or acceptance, but we ask that you be a current SACP member by the time we submit the session information to the APA.

Paper or abstract submissions (with your full name/affiliation/contact information) and any questions should be sent electronically to Sarah Mattice at